'Smart Commerce' is a new CRM strategy from IBM, and in this structure the customer is the centre of every operation including Buy, Market, Sell and Service.
It all starts with the customer
In business, this has always been true. But now a new breed of customer is dictating a new set of terms in the dynamic between buyers and sellers.
Customers approach a sale empowered by technology and transparency, with more extensive information from more sources than ever before. They expect to engage with companies when and how they want, in person, online and on the go. And they want these methods to tie together seamlessly.
The smarter commerce opportunity
Smarter commerce (PDF, 816KB) recognizes that the sale is just one aspect of the experience. As with traditional commerce, the customer is at the center of all operations. Smarter commerce turns customer insight into action, enabling new business processes that help companies buy, market, sell and service their products and services.
More info: http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/smarter_commerce/overview/index.html
Oracle concentrates on customer's overall experience from end to end.
Welcome to the age of the customer
An era where customers call the shots and success will be based on how well companies can rise to meet their demands and expectations. Customers have many choices today. So it is critical to make their experiences as simple, consistent, and relevant as possible as they move throughout the customer lifecycle, from buying to owning—and back again. By delivering exceptional customer experiences, companies can acquire new customers, retain more customers, and improve efficiency.
More info: http://www.oracle.com/us/solutions/customer-experience/overview/index.html
Are they any different or different name for same